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Three Simple Steps To Get Your First Paying Client

As a business coach, one of the most common questions that I get is

“Sir Jon, how do I get clients?”

Step 1. Target the low-hanging fruit.

Always aim to reach out to business owners who are already on Facebook. This is where the principle of working smart versus working hard comes in. 

It will be easier to close clients if they are already aware and have an appreciation of what you can do for their business.

In fact, there’s a high-demand from business owners, agencies and organizations across the globe for FB Marketing consultants. 

This is the gold rush that I’m pertaining to from the first blog of this series.

Looking back to my time in college, I finished Computer Engineering from Adamson University after 6.5 years. To be honest, I wasn’t a smart kid and I seemed to have no promising future.

However, during the summer class of my last semester, because it was so hot and I only commute by riding the LRT, I usually go to the library to cool down. And because there was a computer, I learned HTML and how to build websites. 

Back in 1999, only 5% of the population in the Philippines had the internet. And because there was a huge demand for website designers (and it just so happened that I’m one of the few who learned the skill), generally speaking, I was blessed to have a good career.

What’s the point of this story? When looking for businesses to approach, it’s all about demand and targeting to pick the low hanging fruit. 

And the demand is going up for your FB Marketing skill.

Once you have already seen and shortlisted the businesses you want to approach, here’s another question that you might ask

“Sir Jon, pano po kung di pa ko expert at wala pa akong experience or portfolio?”

Step 2. Demonstrate

[Insert demo video]

As you can see with the demo video, you don’t have to pretend that you’re an expert to show that you understand FB Ads.

And since most business owners don’t adapt quickly (and aren’t familiar with FB Ads Library, for example), 

by simply showing these ads, samples, and competitor checks to your prospective client already gives them an idea that you know what you’re talking about.

Step 3. Let’s Talk

Because we’re connected through mobile phones and the internet, it’s so much easier to reach out to small business owners now. 

Start initial engagement with the client by approaching and coming from a place of help.

“Would you like me to help you with this?”

“Would you like me to help you sell more?”

“Would you like me to help you get more clients?

Once they give you a chance to try out your services, you can simply charge them first with a one-time fee of ₱50,000 to set up their FB Page from scratch.

Or for clients with existing FB Pages, you can help dress it up with updated designs and complete the needed information and verification of their page.

These are just one of the few ways and examples on how to get your first paying client. 
To learn more, you can waitlist and enroll on our next Certified Advisor Program where you don’t only learn how to be a FB Marketer, but also how to build a profitable consulting practice.

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