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The California Gold Rush History: And What You Can Get Out of It Today

James Wilson Marshall was a carpenter in the 18th century. One morning on his way to work, he saw a sparkling light metal and when he approached it, he thought:

“This looks like gold….

It made my heart thump for I was certain it was gold..”

From that moment of discovery at his workplace, they were able to dig 750,000 pounds of gold from 1848-1855.

From being a wild west (and not even a state yet), this event started an economic boom where it spurred the biggest migration to California from different parts of the United States and other countries.

This exciting time in history has become the inspiration behind many famous names such as the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, and national US sports teams such as the Golden State Warriors and 49ers. 

In just seven years, people earned $2B worth of money from the gold they found. Today, this period is what we literally know as the ‘gold rush’.

Two Lessons We Learned

  1. Opportunities come and go.

In other words, if you’re slow, you will miss opportunities.

In case you’re wondering why others get rich quickly, it is because they are in the right place and time. 

Sometimes, it’s not how hard you work, but the kind of work that you have. If you find the right opportunity and back it up with hard work, that’s where wealth comes in. 

Hard work alone is not enough, you must also find the right opportunity.

  1. People who take action fast will become wealthy.

As simple as that, it’s not always about having ideas. Though ideas are good, what sets you apart as an entrepreneur is taking action real quick.

Having said this, this leads to our most important topic – the newest ‘gold rush’ and how you can take advantage of it.

But first, let me share with you some outrageous facts and statistics happening in the world right now.

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