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How Do We Sell Online?

Now that you understand that to sell means to fulfill your mission of helping people (get the results that they need), I’m about to share with you how, by doing the exact same strategy, I sold all my coaching programs that earned me ₱90M. I’m now here to teach you the framework that I used as I walked the talk.

On this blog post, you shall learn:

  • How to sell your coaching program using the one-to-many method
  • How to craft an irresistible offer
  • The timeless selling strategy that successful entrepreneurs use
  • The Do’s and Don’ts when selling your online coaching program
  • The most important page on your website

The web is primarily a text-based medium. You market and sell your product by making people read. The secret is to write a persuasive sales copy that will make people read and enroll in your coaching program. 

With this type of selling, you’ll avoid the pain and fear of rejection because there is no face to face selling. And because your goal is to help, force and manipulation are unnecessary. Instead, you are here to educate and demonstrate how their lives can improve through your program.

What is a Sales Copy?

Some people know it as a sales page, web copy, or what it’s originally called a sales letter, (published during the time of the 18th century printing press before the advent of tv, radio, and the internet).

At present, it is what you now see as a single-page website (more known as a landing page) that offers a product or service.

Indeed, this has been an old strategy that is applied to the modern format of the internet. All are the same thing and it’s one and only purpose is to sell.

Universally, Sales Copy is the words used to communicate sales or marketing messages in print, web, video, or audio format.

And the people who craft these words are called copywriters.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the activity of writing text of advertisement or publicity material. 

It’s entirely different from the word ‘copyright’ – a legal term that pertains exclusively to the ownership of a material. 

The Copywriter’s role, as a profession, is to write an influential sales copy.

The Power of Web Sales Copy

So why do you need Sales Copy to sell your program?

Imagine having a 24/7 Salesman working tirelessly around the clock. Regardless of time zone or location, through the power of sales copy and the internet, you can now sell to multitudes of people all at the same time.

And right now, most of your competitors don’t have a clue what makes people buy online because they don’t know yet how to sell online

If you are a real estate agent, you know the struggle of booking appointments and holding on-site trippings that will be canceled only at the last minute.

Many coaches also book a large place to hold seminars, yet they have no students nor attendees. Some even resort to giving out free tickets to family and friends – para di lang sila ang tao.

I can still remember one time when I launched a live, whole day-event seminar. Within 10 days, for ₱6000 workshop fee per head, the tickets were sold out and the place was jam packed with over a 100 people.

To be honest, I’m not that smart – I just know how to sell online. Through the power of online sales copy, using it is a more efficient way of selling a product and building a profitable online business. 

Fact is, it’s not really about how good your program is – it’s how good you are at selling your product. And the faster you make money, the faster your coaching business will grow.

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